Radon Test Kits available for loan from your public library

Radon Test Kits available for loan from your public library

Radon Test Kits available for loan from your public library November is both Lung Awareness Month and Radon Awareness Month. LANS (Lung Association of Nova Scotia), with funding from Health Canada, has partnered with public libraries across the province to offer radon...
Housing: Now and into the Future

Housing: Now and into the Future

This week we have a guest post from Lisa Salley, from NS Health. Various housing coalitions, municipalities, key partners, and organizations in Shelburne, Yarmouth, Digby, Annapolis, Kings, and West Hants Counties care about your housing concerns.  In Annapolis,...
Games at the Library Week

Games at the Library Week

October 29 – November 4 is Games at the Library week. Sponsored locally by the Atlantic Provinces Library Association (APLA) , it is part of a worldwide celebration of game playing. Board games, chess, cards, video games, role-playing games, escape rooms, and active...
Reading History feature is now live on our OverDrive site

Reading History feature is now live on our OverDrive site

We are happy to report that the Reading History feature is now live on our OverDrive site. How the History page works: Each time a title is borrowed, it is added to the user’s history. At launch, a user will see an empty history until they borrow a title, or manually...
NSLA/LBANS Conference 2017

NSLA/LBANS Conference 2017

Wow!  What a great conference weekend we had at the Annapolis Basin Conference Centre! The 2017 joint Nova Scotia Library Association and Library Boards Association of Nova Scotia Conference – “Libraries 150: a celebration”-  was hosted by the Annapolis Valley...