Welcome back!
Beginning mid-July, Annapolis Valley Regional Library will begin to reopen libraries to the public. In order to provide the best service and safest environment for both our patrons and our staff, AVRL is making changes to our Library locations and procedures. While we...
February 2020 is Food For Fines Month
During the month of February, you can combine a visit to the library with a good deed for those who use food banks in your area. The Annapolis Valley Regional Library is once again offering a Food for Fines initiative from February 1-29, 2020. Just give us an item...
Cookies to the rescue
December is filled with cookies, and we are ok with that. Does a little cookie pick-me-up sound good right now? While our 12 Days of Cookies has gone on to sugary realms unknown, the cookie recipes and the blog are still there! One of my favourite cookie recipes is...