Get moving with BookBikes

The BookBikes will be available for loan during the 2025 season beginning in early May at the Berwick & District Library.

Bikes will be available on a first-come basis, and are due back the same day, no later than 30 minutes before the library closes.  Borrow it for the day or for a couple hours. Ride the trails or use the bike to get your shopping done around town. Borrow your books and ride them home in the bike basket. Get moving with a BookBike!

Bikes will be loaned to adults, ages 19 and over, who have a valid AVRL library card in good standing. All riders must read and sign an Agreement and Waiver. Here is the BookBike Borrowing Agreement and Waiver, and here is the eBike Borrowing Agreement and Waiver.  Bikes will be loaned with a lock, light, and helmet (borrower may bring their own helmet). Bikes will be equipped with a bell & basket.

Who can borrow a bike?

Adults, age 19 or over with a valid AVRL library card may borrow a bike. Borrowers must sign a BookBike Borrowing Agreement and Waiver or a eBike Borrowing Agreement and Waiver.

How long can I keep the bike?

Bikes will be available on a first-come basis, and are due back the same day, no later than 30 minutes before the library closes. 

What if I don’t have a helmet?

The bikes will be loaned with a helmet and lock. If borrowers have their own helmet, they can bring that and show staff.

Where can I borrow a bike?

The bikes are available in Berwick.

What kind of bikes will be loaned?

The bikes are iWant Park Momentum

What if I’m visiting?

Visitors may apply for a library card and use our resources, including bikes.

Why is the library loaning bikes?

Book Bikes is a project Annapolis Valley Regional Library has been working on by partnering with Anna Sherwood, Regional Physical Activity Consultant from the Department of Community Culture & Heritage – Community, Sport & Recreation Division, and the municipalities of Annapolis Royal, Berwick, and Wolfville. Funding for this project came from a Community Development Grant from the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage, Community Sport & Recreation Division, a generous private donation, and ongoing donations from local cycling enthusiasts. 

The project is designed to promote alternate methods of transportation, to highlight the new Harvest Moon Trailway, and to get people moving. By providing free access to recreational bicycles to those who may not own a bike, or who just need a bike for the day, or who want to explore the area by bike, this project strives to promote cycling, help borrowers develop skills,  and become more familiar with cycling in their community.

Libraries in Annapolis Royal, Berwick, and Wolfville also host a Bike Fixing Station. These stations allow cyclists to fill their tires with air and do quick tune up with the tools provided.

Trail Routes

Follow these links for trail  maps :

Blue Route- Nova Scotia Bike trails

Harvest Moon Trailway

Bike books

AVRL is developing their collection of books about cycling, how to maintain your bike, and cycle travel. We’ve put together a booklist that makes it easy for you to find the collection. Grab your library card and place a hold, and the books will show up at your local library when available! Here’s our current collection list.