Using the principles of…
…the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, and the guiding themes of the Nova Scotia Culture Action Plan, Moving Through incorporates Indigenous ways of knowing and doing to the development of programs, library spaces, and materials, helps build relationships between Annapolis Valley Regional Library (AVRL) and three area First Nations communities of Annapolis Valley, Bear River, and Glooscap, and strengthens literacy connections for local Indigenous families.

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Calls to Action

N.S. Culture Action Plan
Through education…
…Book Talking Circles, language workshops, and programming, the Moving Through project works to eliminate demeaning stereotypes, foster social inclusion, and deepen cultural appreciation. By hiring Indigenous artists and performers, this project will showcase Mi’kmaq culture. A book collection and display will accompany the cultural events, providing literacy opportunities for Mi’kmaq cultural expression. Mi’kmaw language speakers will present workshops and talks.
The books in the Moving Through Collection are available to borrow at the Annapolis Valley Regional Library. Find the Moving Through Collection on the AVRL website.
Working with Marlene Joudry…
…Program Facilitator, Coordinator, Instructor, Educator, Designer, Master Artisan, and Cultural Facilitator, the project strives to build connections in the community, educate about Mi’kmaq history, and celebrate Mi’kmaq language and culture.